Introducing Dr. Shannon South's
If so, this program may be for you.

Transpersonal Therapist
Hi, I'm Dr. Shannon South and for over 20 years, I have been helping people like you permanently overcome negative patterns and/or traumas and ignite the life of your dreams.
Does more love, joy and emotional freedom sound good to you?
Then keep reading.
I've found that if clients truly commit to their well-being and emotional freedom (and receive the support they need) they speed up their healing (and are more successful). As my clients make peace with their personal stories and get what they REALLY need, they are freed up to write a new amazing ending!
Many of my clients’ dreams are:
- To feel great again (let go of anxiety, overwhelm and depression)
- To understand and break free from old patterns
- To increase their self-love and create dynamic relationships with others
- To have the energy and clarity to easily rise to their fullest potential.
- To experience less chaos and more joy in all areas of their life
My clients want to experience REAL transformation not just talk about it.
I guide clients to move away from a “punishing pace” to more “personal power and play” in all areas of their life. My clients want more wholeness and a deeper connection with themselves.
They often say,” I know I am worth more than this but I can’t feel it” OR
“I have so many good things in my life but I am still stuck/overwhelmed/insecure, etc.?”
I also work differently than most therapists in that, I bring a mind body spirit connection into our sessions together which creates more energy and lasting healing. Transpersonal (or spiritual) counseling creates a new level of consciousness which changes patterns permanently.
If this “resonates” with you, I invite you to check out the IGNITE Your Life Program.
Ignite Your Life! Program: A 6-Week Immersion to Heal the Root of Your Problem(s) and Unleash Your Empowered, Juicy, Joy-Filled Life
Here’s what you’ll get:
- One (50 min) Clarity session with Dr. Shannon (phone/skype): In this session you will set a clear intention about your life AND we will map out a plan to reach this by identifying what is in the way.
- Five (50 min) “Breakthrough to Your Authentic Self” sessions: (in person/skype) This is where you can heal the root of the problem(s) and transform them through various transpersonal (spiritual) approaches
- Unlimited Access to my Ignite Your Life! Library:
- Inspirations, guided meditations and resources such as:
- Anxiety therapy
- What is depression?
- What is addiction/compulsive behavior?
- Effective ways to meditate
- How to step out of the drama and into strength
- What is codependency? Counterdependency?
- Stages of relationships
- What is a healthy family?
- PLUS: educational materials and referrals to support the creation of new patterns and habits that help you go deeper and rise higher than you ever have before.
In Addition to all of this, you will receive:
TWO Transformational Bonuses that will give you the tools (right at home) to transform your life and unleash your inner joy and love naturally.
BONUS #1: Say Yes to Less Stress: 10 Days to a Joy-filled, Relaxed Life:
This 10-day online program contains 12 videos that introduce a joy-building idea and an experiential exercise to make your idea a reality. (don’t underestimate these tools- I have seen them transform lives right in front of my own eyes-including my own life<:)
- A Holistic Stress Assessment Tool: Great to take at the beginning and the end of this program to see your amazing progress
- A weeding Out Your Joy Busters/Stress- Clearing Process: My favorite clearing process that creates massive movement with ANY problem you experience
- Your Inner Safe Place Grounding Meditation: A place that is just for you whenever you need it
- The Circle of Strength Empowerment Tool: Reduce stress and drama and clean up communication problems in any situation
- Love Wisdom Meditation: So powerful that when studied was found to increase dopamine (a natural anti-depressant), decrease anxiety and decrease depression
- Empowerment Affirmations: Strengthen the Mind for personal freedom and healing
- The Joy Breathe: A breathing exercise that teaches YOU to be in charge of your stress and helps you master your physiology
- Feed the Fire of Your Soul: Tools to get you back in touch with healthy passions
BONUS #2: “Joy Pack” (3 videos)
1) How to Set Healthy Boundaries: Saying No and Yes to Manage Stress (priceless)
2) A Heart Center Meditation: Come back home to YOU if you have gotten lost or unclear (priceless)
3) The Benefits of Play (priceless)